John Clark

John Clark is the principal consultant at Industry Minds.

John Clark grew up on a Victorian sheep and cattle farm and graduated with honours from Monash University with a bachelor of chemical engineering. During his successful career in pulp and paper with a global chemical company providing client support in Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia. He completed a post graduate diploma in Engineering with the Australian Pulp and Paper Institute.

John's Story:

After experiencing a severe occupational burnout in a senior leadership role, John experienced depression, anxiety and suicidality. For some time, unable to work, John became a stay-at-home dad, only to realise that rest alone was not going to be the answer to these complex disorders. He began picking tomatoes at a local producer and repairing electric fences on a dairy farm, discovering that these jobs whilst restful for the mind, forced him out of bed, engaged in physical activity and helped prevent the mind from negative thought patterns.

Whilst engaged in clinical treatment, he discovered that psychology and medication alone was not the answer; recovery involved re-evaluating one’s lifestyle. John experimented with social engagement via the local men’s shed, sporting teams and a fly fishing club. He increased fitness playing division two soccer, lifting weights, cycling and parkrun. Increasing sleep and reducing alcohol consumption played an important role as did eating healthy whole foods for gut health.

Hobbies such as fly fishing and fly tying, bushwalking, woodworking and knife making became vehicles for engagement with the outdoors, and mindful creative pursuits which regulated the activation of the nervous system.

Addressing a performance mentality and reconnecting with values around family, relationships, health and nature was also fundamental to recovery, resulting in backpacking with his family around Borneo, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. A life-threatening bushwalking injury that involved air evacuation with the Westpac Helicopter inspired John to join the SES search and rescue team reinforcing that volunteering also enhances wellbeing.

John commenced working in the mental health sector in 2010 first with Anglicare in their family mental health support service for five years, then followed by another eight years in a state-wide suicide prevention organisation. He quickly discovered that sharing his lived experience meant that people experiencing these conditions would feel safe to share their own challenges which lead to effective peer support and many attributed their own survival and recovery to John’s interventions.

During John’s career in mental health, he has trained in Trauma Informed practice, become a Master Mental Health First Aid Instructor, is a trained beyondblue public speaker and has completed a Cert IV Mental Health Peer Work. He is an experienced senior peer support worker and trainer developing his own programs to support businesses to educate their workforce about mental health and wellbeing. In the last few years John has been training leaders at all levels from General Managers in large organisations to crew leaders and leading hands on how to support staff with mental health problems. He is passionate about preventing and treating occupational burnout and supporting those who are affected, often providing one to one support.

John was a finalist for a life award from the Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Network and finalist for the Australian Men’s Health Network best speaker award. He has spoken at numerous conferences and provided training to organisations such as Rio Tinto where he pioneered their award-winning peer support program, Cement Australia, Dairy Tas, Aurora, TasNetworks, MMG, Bluestone Joint Tin Venture, Simplot, VicWater, Launceston Council, West Coast Council, and Mental Health Council of Tasmania.

Lana Siebert

Lana Siebert is the Lead Consultant at Industry Minds.

Lana Siebert, a passionate mental health advocate from Tasmania.  Currently residing on a sheep/cattle farm in Western Victoria, she works as Mental Health First Aid Instructor, a first responder for EAPs, a mental health awareness and suicide prevention educator and an assessor for psychosocial risks, all within mining, rural, community services and hospitality industries. Lana also holds a Diploma in Counselling.  Lana comes from a view of Lived Experience and values compassion, fortitude, and personal growth, striving to reduce mental health stigma and foster well-being in stressful workplaces.

Lana's Story:

Lana’s journey began in a small town, where a troubled upbringing and overwhelming emotions led to a lifelong struggle with her mental health. She experienced persistent, intense emotions of unworthiness, believing she didn’t deserve love or happiness. These thoughts, combined with self-sabotage, made it difficult for her to maintain jobs, relationships, or a stable sense of self. It wasn’t until later in life, after being diagnosed with PTSD, that Lana was able to accept herself. This diagnosis marked the start of a transformative journey from merely coping with her emotions to actively seeking recovery.

Lana realised that true healing involved more than just understanding her diagnosis; it required a holistic approach to self-care and personal growth. She began prioritising her well-being through self-care practices and gradually built a new life centered on mental health advocacy. Lana now dedicates her time to educating others about the realities of mental health, breaking down stigma, and sharing her own story to help others feel less alone. Her work extends beyond mental health, as she is also involved in the running of the family Farm in Western Victoria, where she brings the same dedication and care to agricultural operations as she does to her mental health work.

Lana’s path led her to become a psychosocial support worker, a Mental Health First Aid Trainer, and a qualified Counsellor. Lana assesses psychosocial risks in industries such as mining, agriculture, hospitality and community services. She delivers MHFA training to her preferred industries, and uses her counselling techniques to work with peer support groups. Lana assists and educates industries by providing Leadership Mental Health Training as well as Mental Health Awareness presentations/workshops.  For those that have completed the MHFA training, Lana also implements Peer Support programs allowing industries to better support their employees. Her lived experience gives her a unique perspective, allowing her to connect with those she supports and educates, on a deeper and more relatable level.

Lana’s story is one of fortitude, transformation, and an unwavering commitment to helping others navigate their own journeys toward mental health and self-acceptance.

Contact John Today

Give us a call to discuss how we can help you and your organisation.